

Frenetic LLC is a California based software development company that makes games, game engines, and other software.

You might know us for our game Voxalia, our game engine FreneticGameEngine, or our other software (FreneticScript, FreneticUtilities, or whatever else is on our GitHub)

About The Company

Frenetic LLC is, first and foremost, a company made by gamers, for gamers. We’ve set out to create landscapes and experiences that we ourselves would be excited to see from the player’s point of view. What you invest into a game should feel rewarding and fun, and we’ve got our ear to our community to hear what you’d like to see from us.

About This Blog

This is a blog site written by Frenetic LLC’s Software Development team, and intended for those interested in the field of software development to read and learn from. The primary audience is programmers, but if you’re not a programmer there’s still plenty of potential interest you’ll find within.